RPG Thingy 2 Dev Blog

[7/22/2019]D&D, Laziness, and the Save Editor

Well, will you look at that; I'm only TWO MONTHS late for a blog update x3.. So a little while after we last left off, I had come to the conclusion that the best way to figure what exact variables would be needed is to go ahead and start cobbling together a "Save Editor". Originally I figured it would be text-based much like the Stat Program. Then I decided it should be a stand alone debugging program to be used even after the whole game is complete. Given that its sole purpose was to create and edit the game's actual save files I ASSUMED it wouldn't take too long to make. ..oh how I was a naive fool. As the weeks rolled by and evolved into months I became discouraged, lazy, stagnant. But hey I discovered the magic of D&D :P

ORIGINALLY I figured the program would just need the actual font assets that would be used- that alone took weeks (off and on) to develop. After trying to wrap my mind around how much of a pain that program would be for managing items and stuff with mere text, it became apparent it would be EASIER to develop the save editor if I created actual inventory icons as well...

So it took many more discouraging weeks until I came to you with the news that I have 60 out of 105 inventory icons complete at the time of this writing. What you're looking at now is ten of them. Once more, I was naive in thinking pixel art would be easy, so hopefully they don't look too bad ><.. (if it looks blurry, use chrome)

With all that said, I apologize for the delay in an update. Frankly I wanted to wait until there was something noteworthy to say; but as weeks turned in to months, noteworthy no longer became worth the silence. Ultimately I'm just slowly chipping away at ambitions of a grander scale than once thought.

[5/16/2019]The Death & Revival of The Stat Program

So I'm late for this update; a couple events happend. 1.) I went to go see Detective Pikachu with friends (great movie btw!) 2.) I partied a little and lost a lot of sleep. 3.) I HAD a functioning test done on time but it got saved to the TEMP directory and got overwritten by example codes :( . So I had to rebuild it from scratch and boy am I glad I did! Learned a little about readable code and separating core elements into functions that can reside in separate files.

As such, I was able to put the code for the hard-coded initialization of the 3D array in its own file; I put all the stat-calculation formulas in THEIR own file, and ultimately it feels a lot more clean and less of a headache :). The only problem is the editor doesn't do a fancy color-code of the written functions or a description of their syntax when in a separate file, .. so that's going to be some thought-overhead. Still, I cant argue that the end-result is STILL something that feels more proffessional and less ghetto-rigged.

I mean.. take a look! This accurately determines what your stats would be at a given level and stat-point distribution! It updates in real time whenever you change a stat and only allocates as many points as you would recieve at a given time in the actual game. It honestly makes me try to strategically plan a character even though there is no game to start yet! So with that dose of procrastination out of the way, I am due for developing a D&D session coming in a couple days..

OH almost forgot! I DID in fact get DBP relocated onto my main computer. Apparently moving the bought and paid ancient-installation from older computers to newer ones is the cleaner install everyone else aspires to. Turns out that secret club I thought I had to find a way into was already entered.. Funny how that works.

[5/7/2019]The Chest Program

When we last left off, I had taken an inventory of what was done and what had to be done. I decided that I needed to finish writing how the 3D-Arrays to describe each treasure-chest's inventory should be arranged. After some sweating dedication, it was done. The next step was to design a program for to populate the arrays with their respective data. Problem though, was it started to look like I'd be writing out exactly how the code should go anyway..

So it was obvious enough that I couldn't avoid attempting to code something any longer; the time had come to hard-code an entire two 3D-Arrays (close enough to equal 1,300 variables!). I learned pretty quickly that the sheer tedium of making this game will likely consume my life for the forseable future..

After 2 consecutive days of literally nothing but coding, IT WORKS! Now I'm still very novice at programming anything but when something works, that's grounds for a celebration if I do say so myself. The program functions as follows: It displays what is contained in an individual chest at a given iteration (or literally just shows the data on a given point of the array); you can scroll through and see what is contained in any one of the 54 chests; you can re-roll (repopulate the array with a different iteration of data, as each chest contains random quantities of items within a range); and you can see which chest at which section the item(s) are contained in. This allows easy troubleshooting of what will become the initial chest-propigating (idk if i used that word right) mechanic of the final game.

On to the unfortunate meat of the issue though; this game is to be coded in what is essentially abandonware. Some readers (assuming anyone reads this) might have heard of this now-ancient programming language called "DarkBasic Professional". Well, back in 2016 TheGameCreators had made the executive decision to cut support for this once-sold product and release it free on GitHub as an open-source respository (sometimes I pretend to know what words mean xD). That's all well and good ..assuming anyone contributes to the source and make it y'know.. better. In the end though, the only documentaion that remains are forum-posts and independantly published textbooks that make references to no-longer-existing material. On top of that, I personally never was able to get that copy to work which is honestly heartbreaking; after all, it was the very first thing that allowed little-old-me to feel like I actually could make a real game.

Because of this, the only real way I managed to get anything to come of that software was hunt down now-ancient computers still running an otherwise legitimate and full-purchased (back when they charged for it) copy, and proceed to move the installation files on to USB drives. This has several drawbacks.. One, it completely breaks the nice little help-files and examples in the name of getting the compiler to run. Two, another way of doing had completely broken the compiler in the name of getting the help files to run. Three, this caused the best documentation to be the aforementioned textbook and also a printed-out forum-post of tutorial. And four, most terrifying, god-forbid the computer(s) and drive(s) break and I'll be sealed out of that software, forever. I weap for anyone trying to get in to that program in this day and age because it seems highly unlikely they'll get it to work..

..and believe me, I tried. Honestly I would LOVE to see it working, elegantly and correctly on my main computer. That software and everything related to it, including the community (which appears to still be going strong for some reason), gave the whole process a certain nostalgic charm even while it was NEW. I remember when I was much much younger, a kid, that I was trying to come to grips with how does program. Made VERY crappy things here and there that friends would giggle with me about. Had little daydreams and etc. In the end though I simply never buckled-down and made consistent commitment to improve in that area. Now, finally able to do such, and nothing works? .. frankly I find it hard to believe.

..so I've taken to the forums and whined. We'll see if anything reasonably comes from it. If not, I suppose I'll have to hoard the last remaining copy that works like some ancient JRPG crystal. In the meantime, I guess it couldn't hurt to get more RPG2 done. At this point I just really want to see that thing bring something great to the DarkBasic Professional name (and it'll be fun to say I made something noteworthy in abandoned software). If this really can't work, I guess it'll be time to move to Unity or something in the future. We'll find out :P

[4/29/2019]Taking Inventory

After who knows how long, production on RPG Thingy 2 has begun once more. The very first thing that happened though was taking a good hard look at what was done so far. After all, once you stop working on a project, getting back into it is nothing short of a convoluted clusterfuck..

That said, players of the original RPG Thingy will be beyond relieved to hear that their most common complaint is set to be COMPLETELY resolved -- COMBAT FREQUENCY WILL FINALLY MAKE SENSE!

This chicken-scratch of an algorithm-plan can be explained as follows: Your very first battle can occur anywhere between zero to ten seconds of movement, but this time the duration that took will be remembered. That duration is then put in to one of three categories that can be thought of as too-quickly, just-right, and too-long. Whichever category that fell into will then be used to define how long it will be until your next battle. For example, let's say it took about 5 seconds of movement to get in to combat: Your next battle will either happen between 0-3 seconds or 8-10 seconds of movement because the last one took 4-7 seconds to occur. I think this will ultimately make random combat feel more random and less annoying :)!

Speaking of combat, armor and weapons will now have a dynamic stat-impact as opposed to the static values they created previously!

That said, influencing stats will now become a MUCH more convoluted process. Without attempting to break down every little step of the journey, it will be safe to assume each piece of equipment or spell (there will be buffs/debuffs) will have a solid bearing on their respective stats. This will result in the need to strategize what kind of equipment will be most beneficial for your individual character-build. For instance, an archer-type character will rather not be slowed down by tank-y armor, or a tank-y type character would rather use a heavy sword than a dinky magic-wand that will pose no physical use to him/her. (yes, there will be manipulatable stats!)

Because of this, creating all the many, many variables to house all these minute stat-alterations is become a very involved process.

Every single item, in every single equipment-slot, will each have its own bearing on your stats. Some items may buff certain features of your character while others may actually weaken them. Every little bit will help as you climb the ladder of progress though, and monster-stats are shaped with your potential equip-loadout in mind. So don't abandon that crappy helmet or those torn-up rags; they might just save your life...

There will also be MANY different kinds of monsters to worry about across a much bigger world. And to top it all off, combat will no longer take place on a tit-for-tat basis. Instead, your ability to take a turn will be on a cooldown timer determined by how agile your character is (Likewise, the monster's turn frequency will depend on how fast they are too!). Oh and by the way, you'll no longer be facing one monster at a time; instead you can fight up to THREE at a time!

So; the best way to maximize the number of turns you can take before the baddies get their share, is by decreasing the new "ActBar" stat as much as possible! Literally what this new stat reperesents is the time, in seconds, it takes until you're free to choose an action. Depending on how fast your character is, this time can be anywhere from near-zero to a grudging four seconds. But the drama won't stop there; players of the original RPG Thingy will recall their foes patiently waiting for them to choose an action. Well buckle-up buttercup because now, monsters are only going to wait a second before deciding to take their turn while you're still picking an action- be quick or get


As if that wasn't bad enough, you'll also have to pay attention to how effective your attacks will be in a given situation! Depending on which kind of attack your character is doing, any one of three damage types will be utilized versus a diverse array of monsters- each of which have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Some monsters will fly, others will not, and some will be completely spectral! It will then fall on to you to react accordingly to each one. For instance, a sword relies solely on your character's brute strength to determine how hard that edge cuts in to your foe. But if that foe is flying, odds are it won't do as much damage if you're struggling to reach it. This problem can be circumvented with a bow or crossbow which can be reloaded quicker than regaining your footing after a swing. However if this foe happens to just be a ghostly figure, then there really isn't anything to hit is there? That is why it can pay to invest in glass weapons or even magic. The problem with all of these though is certain character-builds are better suited to certain kinds of attacks over others. So it pays to play to your strengths and strategize how best to deal with your weaknesses.

Worser still, each monster will have their own stat-loadout that can greatly impact how effective your tactic is in combat. And, depending on what kinds of attacks are at their disposal, they too will also strategize which attacks might be most effective against you.

It may make sense to brute-force a monster with physical damage. But some may actually be weak against magical attacks. Contrarywise, some monsters may be well-versed in minimizing damage from the nonphysical; and wouldn't expect to be struck by the blade as much. Of course, some foes are just simply prepared for either outcome and will have to fall by whichever means your character can muster.

Considering how much effort will be needed to overcome each battle, players of the first game will likely be relieved to hear their favorite weapon is making a dramatic return.

That's right, say hello to the Bazooka Mark II! Who needs to worry about what attacks work versus what monster when you got good old fashion artillery at your side? (please note: you won't learn anything from just blowing up your foes, hopefully you won't encounter something that's expecting you to do that...)

Diversity is great and all, but anyone who completed the first game was likely frustrated by the lack of things to do other than just.. win. Fortunately, there will be plenty more to be excited about instead of just "that one book-quest".

Best of all, if you're worried that you'll merely get a stick in return for your deeds (seriously, whose lame idea was that?) then worry no more! Every quest will have a very worthwhile reward; You can count on it!

Speaking of rewards, you'll be pleased to know there's now a vastly improved set of goodies to be found.

This is all going to be handled by a much more satisfying inventory managment system that will yield a much more interesting array of potential treasure. Due to how inventory management is going to work, players will only be able to carry so much before deciding what to keep anymore. That said, any old treasure chest can also be used as a personal vault to keep your items in case you want them later! (not to worry though, you can remove an item from existence entirely if you so desire.)

That about summarizes what is accounted for so far! Now if you'll excuse me, I REALLY have to use the restroom. I told myself I'd type this entire post while holding it and am very much regretting it now so.. cya :P

The Blog Begins

As of about 7pm 4/27/2019 the blog for RPG Thingy 2 has been established! I put this gif here to remind myself the syntax for putting images next to text XD

Test of the Oldest Tag

This part is literally just to have a placeholder for what to jump to when you click the 'oldest' button. Does it work?